Pétillant Naturel wines: the gourmet, sparkling alternative for springtime!


Pétillant Naturel wines: the gourmet, sparkling alternative for springtime!


Vinoteca presents its gourmet alternatives for spring.

Far from being a trend or a new method of winemaking, these sparkling wines use the original method of fermentation that long pre-dates the creation of Champagne. Unlike classic sparkling wines, where sugar and yeast are added to "still" wine to trigger a second fermentation that produces bubbles, this ancestral method involves bottling wine that is only partially fermented.

The result? A naturally sparkling wine that falls somewhere between wine, champagne and beer. It often has a slight sweetness to it, making it a simple and refreshing alternative that is gradually taking the place of aperitifs. And as an added bonus, the majority of producers are organic and environmentally friendly!

Click the following link to discover their pétillant naturel wines.


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