Coming soon – a new Atelier Steffen

Quai Steffen

Coming soon – a new Atelier Steffen

Following its success in Gare Centrale, Atelier Steffen will be putting down roots in the city centre in the next few weeks. In the Royal Hamilius, to be precise. We are already looking forward to tasting Traiteur Steffen's delicious dishes and other treats.

For this new setting, everything has been designed with the guest's comfort and sensory experience in mind, with something for all five senses. "We hope that the space will be full of emotions and a sense of childish melancholy that is conducive to a moment of relaxation alone, as a couple, or with family and friends, " explains Tom Steffen. "Everything has been designed so that the customer's experience involves all their senses – taste, smell, music, interior décor, comfort and well-being. We also had to ensure that our employees could work in an ergonomic and comfortable setting while complying with strict hygiene standards."

We're really looking forward to the opening!

Atelier 1
Atelier 2

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