L'Instant Beauté by Elodie
Health and beauty
Want to take a break, relax or simply look after yourself? Step through our doors and treat yourself to a break from the daily grind, a special moment of beauty, calm and relaxation...
- Organic/Fairtrade products
Follow L'Instant Beauté by Elodie on social media
L'Instant Beauté by Elodie is on Instagram
Follow on InstagramServices- Toilets
- Free Wi-Fi
- Toilets
- Free Wi-Fi
Accepted payment methods- Cash
- Visa
- Vpay
- Cash
- Visa
- Vpay
Opening hours
Usual opening hours
- Monday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-19h00
- Tuesday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-19h00
- Wednesday
- Closed
- Thursday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-19h00
- Friday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-19h00
- Saturday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Sunday
- Closed
L'Instant Beauté by Elodie 2, avenue de la Porte-Neuve L- 2227 Luxembourg
Bus and tram
Stop(s) near to L'Instant Beauté by Elodie.
More information about bus and tram services is available at bus.vdl.lu.
Car park(s) near to L'Instant Beauté by Elodie.
- Théâtre 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Knuedler 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Royal-Hamilius 7/7j et 24/24h
available space(s)
No available data
More information about car parks is available at parking.vdl.lu.
En vel’OH!
Nearby vel’OH! stations L'Instant Beauté by Elodie.
- AMELIE n°16 - AMELIE - BOULEVARD ROYAL / AVENUE AMELIEbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- THEATER PLAZ n°15 THEATER PLAZ - PLACE DU THEATRE ( FACE N°1 )bike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- KNUEDLER n°14 KNUEDLER - PLACE GUILLAUMEbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
More information about vel'OH! is available at velo.vdl.lu.
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