Foto Trade
Home and hobbies
Store specializing in the sale of new and used photographic equipment
Follow Foto Trade on social media
Foto Trade is on Instagram
Follow on InstagramAccepted payment methods- Cash
- Maestro
- Mastercard
- Visa
- Vpay
- Cash
- Maestro
- Mastercard
- Visa
- Vpay
Opening hours
Usual opening hours
- Monday
- Closed
- Tuesday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Wednesday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Thursday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Friday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Saturday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Sunday
- Closed
Foto Trade 54, route d'Esch L- 1470 Luxembourg
Bus and tram
Stop(s) near to Foto Trade.
More information about bus and tram services is available at
Car park(s) near to Foto Trade.
- Martyrs 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Fort Wedell 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Monterey 7/7j et 24/24h
available space(s)
No available data
More information about car parks is available at
En vel’OH!
Nearby vel’OH! stations Foto Trade.
- MERKELS PLAZ n°30 - MERKELS PLAZ - RUE JEAN BAPTISTE MERKELS / Bd CHARLES MARXbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- SCHLUECHTHAUS n°58 SCHLUECHTHAUS - RUE DE L'ABATTOIRbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- CONVICT n°9 CONVICT - PLACE DU FOYERbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
More information about vel'OH! is available at
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