Librairie um Fieldgen
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Äre Bicherbuttek op der Gare
Librairie Générale - Spécialisée en droit et fiscalité
Service de commandes internationales - Livraison dans les plus brefs délais
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Services- Click and Collect
- Home delivery
- Vouchers/Gift cards
- Click and Collect
- Home delivery
- Vouchers/Gift cards
Opening hours
Usual opening hours
- Monday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h30
- Tuesday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h30
- Wednesday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h30
- Thursday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h30
- Friday
- 09h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h30
- Saturday
- 10h00-12h00
- 12h00-18h00
- Sunday
- Closed
Librairie um Fieldgen 3, rue Glesener L- 1631 Luxembourg
Bus and tram
Stop(s) near to Librairie um Fieldgen.
More information about bus and tram services is available at
Car park(s) near to Librairie um Fieldgen.
- Nobilis Lundi à dimanche de 06h00 à 21h00.
available space(s)
No available data - Fort Neipperg 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Fort Wedell 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data
More information about car parks is available at
En vel’OH!
Nearby vel’OH! stations Librairie um Fieldgen.
- GARE CENTRALE n°79 GARE CENTRALE - PLACE DE LA GARE (Quai n°1)bike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- GARE CENTRALE 2 n°2 GARE CENTRALE 2 - PLACE DE LA GARE N°3-5bike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- AL BRÉCK n°6 AL BRÉCK - VIADUC / BOULEVARD DE LA PETRUSSEbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
More information about vel'OH! is available at
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