Voyages Flammang
Home and hobbies
Voyages Flammang was founded in 1949 and developed ever since to be one of Luxembourgs leading travel agencies today.
It is the company's passion to meet their clients' expectations.
Regardless of whether you prefer a package holiday, a group tour or an individually selected travel, Voyages Flammang is the right address for your next holiday!
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Voyages Flammang is on Instagram
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Usual opening hours
- Monday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Tuesday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Wednesday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Thursday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Friday
- 09h30-12h00
- 12h00-17h00
- Saturday
- 10h00-12h00
- 12h00-14h00
- Sunday
- Closed
Voyages Flammang 17, boulevard Royal L- 2449 Luxembourg
Bus and tram
Stop(s) near to Voyages Flammang.
More information about bus and tram services is available at
Car park(s) near to Voyages Flammang.
- Théâtre 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Knuedler 7/7j et 24/24h.
available space(s)
No available data - Rond Point Schuman Tous les jours de 6h30 à 23h30
available space(s)
No available data
More information about car parks is available at
En vel’OH!
Nearby vel’OH! stations Voyages Flammang.
- AMELIE n°16 - AMELIE - BOULEVARD ROYAL / AVENUE AMELIEbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- THEATER PLAZ n°15 THEATER PLAZ - PLACE DU THEATRE ( FACE N°1 )bike(s) availableavailable space(s)
- BEINCHEN n°75 BEINCHEN - RUE DU PONTbike(s) availableavailable space(s)
More information about vel'OH! is available at
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