New restrictions

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New restrictions

The following amendments to the COVID law have been passed and are now in force: Loi du 25 novembre 2020 amending la loi modifiée du 17 juillet 2020, as amended, and la loi modifiée du 10 décembre 2009)

The main public-health measures are the following:

  • Extension of the curfew (23:00–6:00)
  • A maximum of two visitors during at-home gatherings.
  • Except for museums, art centres, libraries and national archives, cultural institutions are closed to the public.
  • Eating and drinking establishments are closed to the public. However, takeaway and delivery services are still permitted.
  • Sporting facilities are closed to the public.

For more information about the latest public-health measures, please go to the Luxembourg Government's website.

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