Only the best meat!

Kirsch le Boucher

Only the best meat!

You all know this guy, right?! He needs no introduction, but we'll give you one anyway: Guy Kirsch, the most tattooed butcher in Luxembourg and long-time lover of artisan butchery and local produce, has always been passionate about good meat!

Needless to say, he closely monitors the animals from breeding to maturation, and he demonstrates this know-how in his shops and restaurants. His goal is to provide high quality, local meat! At Kirsch Le Boucher, 100% of the beef is from Luxembourg.

Most of the cattle are hand-picked by Guy, who is the only butcher to still slaughter some of the animals himself. The fact that all the meat, deli meat, prepared meats and cooked dishes are handled by artisan butchers in the Luxembourg village of Grass is a true testament to their superior quality.

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